
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-01-17] [瀏覽次數:]
一.frame框架頁面對優化的影響 A. Page frame frame cope with the effects of the optimization  frame框架頁面是由多個獨立的頁面組成的,通常可以把重復的內容固定在同一個位置,用戶發出新頁面請求之后,回到變化的頁面就可瀏覽所需的內容,而重復的頁面可以保持不變,這樣就減少了頁面的加載時間。如下框架頁面,點擊左邊欄目的“參考資料”,內容就會在右邊顯示。 Frame frame composed of multiple independent page, the page is usually keeps repeating the content of the fixed in the same place, after the new user page request, to change the page can browse the content, and repeated page can remain the same, so the page load time is reduced. The following framework page, click on the "resources" section on the left, the content will be displayed on the right.   對于框架頁面,搜索引擎會先抓取主頁面,再從主頁面中抓取子頁面的url,再根據這些地址爬取相應的子頁面,因此搜索引擎是分開分別抓取各個頁面的,而子頁面也不認為是主頁面的一部分。對于網站優化來說,著重做好主頁面的代碼結構,盡可能讓主頁面打開順暢,前提工作部署好,結構有利于網站的優化。但是容易讓人忽略的一點是,如果瀏覽器不支持框架的顯示,采用這種框架結構時,最好加入noframes標簽,并在標簽中添加與主題相符的描述,但拒絕出現關鍵詞堆砌,這樣在用戶瀏覽時可以找到頁面的有價值信息,可提高用戶體驗度,對搜索引擎也會更友好。 For frame pages, search engines will first to grab the main page, again from the main page of fetching the url of the page, according to these addresses to climb again take corresponding child pages, so the search engine is a separate grab each page separately, and the child pages also don't think it is a part on the surface of the home page. Homepage for website optimization, mainly completes the following code structure, as far as possible let home page to open smoothly, good premise work deployment, the structure is advantageous to the web site optimization. But easy to ignore the thing is, if the browser does not support the framework shows that using this kind of frame structure, it is best to join the noframes tag, and add in the label description associated with the topic, but refused to keyword stuffing, which can be found when users browse pages of valuable information, can improve the user experience degrees, to the search engine will also be more friendly. 二.iframe框架頁面對優化的影響 2. The iframe page framework cope with the effects of the optimization iframe框架相對比frame框架來說更加靈活自由,可選擇頁面的任意位置嵌套框架,瀏覽器在解析頁面時,會將iframe框架頁面的其他內容也一并下載,這樣就有效節省了頁面的加載時間,搜索引擎在抓取iframe頁面的同時也會抓取其引用的內容,有些人在建站的時候會借此特性,乘機添加垃圾廣告內容,影響了網站的權重,因此要注意不能將無關的內容放置引用頁面中,否則會受到搜索引擎的懲罰。 Iframe framework is more flexible than the frame frame, can choose any position of the page is nested framework, the browser to parse page, will along with other content of the page to download the iframe framework, thus effectively save the page load time, search engines at the same time of grasping the iframe page will grab the content of the reference, some people at the time of site will take this feature, the opportunity to add spam content, affected the weight of the website, so attention should be paid to not place has nothing to do with the content of the reference page, otherwise will be punished by search engines.   雖然框架對于網站建設來說有一定的幫助,但并不是絕對,用得好才有利,像框架這類對搜索引擎較敏感的結構來說,小編不鼓勵大家使用,在不能保證對搜索引擎友好的情況下,最好避免使用 Although the framework for the website construction has certain help, but is not absolute, with well are beneficial, such as the framework for more sensitive search engine structure, small make up not encourage everyone to use, in the case of can't guarantee to the search engine friendly, had better avoid to use
