
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-06] [瀏覽次數:]
百度推廣優化最簡單的常見的就是做外鏈,在做外鏈的時候有非常多的注意事項,讓我們一起看一下。 Baidu promotion optimization is the most common and simple to do outside the chain, when doing the outer chain has very many matters needing attention, let's have a look.   高品質外鏈 High quality outside the chain   上頭也說了,斯時的搜引得擎不太喜歡少許的外鏈,而是偏心質量高的外鏈,一般一個高品質外鏈也會給用戶留下好的印象,假定被某某博客跟bbs加精,那末將會達成大量的寵愛以及轉載。外鏈有3個寬泛的做法即是博客+bbs+軟文,而博客平凡普選sina,sohu,網易。 Above said of the search that qing don't like a little outside the chain, but eccentric high quality outside the chain, generally a high quality outside the chain will also leave good impression to the user, assume by so-and-so BBS blog with add to digest, then will be a lot of love and reproduced. Outside the chain has three broad approach is blog BBS + + soft wen, and universal suffrage blog ordinary sina, sohu, netease.   反鏈跟友鏈 Trans chain with friends   人們把反鏈跟友鏈淆惑一談,譬如A一個鏈接指向Bweb,而B站點卻沒有指向A,這便是B導入的反向鏈接。而友鏈即是A跟B網站互相的書契照常圖片鏈接,相互配置一個超鏈接指向對方網站,尋常即是跟同類性質,譬如行業網跟行業網,商城跟商城,流派跟派別網,只要內容關系,PR值又比自個兒高,那末web的綜合值會到谷歌PR更新時有個滿足的謎底。 People put the trans talk to confuse A friend chain, such as A link to A Bweb, the site did not point to A, B B this is the import of backlinks. And friendly chain is A and B sites of each book as usual image links, configure A hyperlink to each other website, is with the similar properties, such as industry network with industry network, malls and shopping mall and schools with the wing nets, as long as the content, PR value is higher than himself again, then the comprehensive value to Google PR update web have A meet.   網站原創內容 Original content site   眾多站長都新站上線猛一頓外鏈狂發,跟著搜引得擎的算法不息更新,也曾好些靠外鏈增加名次的網站幾乎都紛紛名次跌落,以是真正仍然需求原創文章,等web渡過了過渡期,相關于小站來說,每周2-3篇原創就行,吸引蜘蛛往往的光降。 Many webmasters are new stations launched fierce a crazy hair outside the chain, followed by search drew with algorithm and update, also had better increase the outer chain website almost all in the position in the ranking fell, to is still real demand original articles, such as the web through the transition, related to the station, a week 2 to 3 piece of original line, attract spiders often light.   站點樞紐詞取舍 Site hub word choice   網站要經營推行,網站關鍵詞是最佳的代言形象,當你有幾個不賴名次到百度首頁的web癥結詞時,你的代表稱謂就為用戶多了幾個取舍,不外網站關頭詞的棄取以及敲定有了幾個關緊重點。1,web關鍵詞敲定,站在客戶的角度棄取web關鍵詞,有關連性,照常參考同類web的競爭小而適用的網站癥結詞,不要使役搶手站點癥結詞。2,web環節詞密度,它是用比例的形式權衡出在網頁的悉數與其他書契,采取百分點詮釋。在對抗頁面web關鍵詞出現越高,密度越大,單頁面網站要害詞密度在2百分之百-8百分之百之間最為合宜。3,站點要害詞散布,站點癥結詞尋常都在導航、文章、友情鏈接、url、標簽里出現。題目中布超過3個為宜。 To management, site keywords is the best endorsement image, when you have a few good places to baidu home page web key words, you are a representative of the appellation for the user more than several trade-offs, choosing site moment word take or reject and have several shut the point. 1, web keywords is finalized, standing in the Angle of the customer to take or reject web keywords, about sex, refer to the competition of the same web as usual small and applicable site key words, do not use hot key words. 2, the word web link density, it is in the form of a percentage of the weighing out all of the website and the other books and take the points. Against web page keyword appears, the higher, the density, the greater the single page website keyword density is the most appropriate between 2-8 - one hundred percent to one hundred percent. 3, the site key words spread, key words unusual in navigation, articles, links, url, labels. It is advisable to cloth for more than three in the title.   內鏈疏通 Within the chain dredge   內鏈只管畛域在站點內部,實則不然,它也可矯捷應用,一樣平常的做法就是A頁面鏈接到B頁面,他不唯訥能讓用戶進到想去的頁面,而且PV跟權重都市有相應的提高。 Within the site within the chain just's sphere, but it is not, it can also be agile application, as well as the usual practice is to link to A page to page B, he can not only slow allows users to want to go into the page, and PV with weights city have corresponding increase.
