
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-11] [瀏覽次數:]
色彩是用戶打開網站之后能夠第一時間感受到的元素,如果網頁的顏色表現力豐富,整體美觀度較高,那么就能夠吸引用戶能夠進一步了解網頁上的內容,這就為塑造忠誠用戶打下了基礎。今天,上海網站建設公司司慧網絡就和大家說說網站建設網頁設計中顏色的運用問題。 Colour is the user to open the site to feel the first time the element, if the web page of color expressive force is rich, beautiful degree is higher, then it can attract users to be able to further understand the content on the page, which laid the foundation for shaping loyal users. Today, Shanghai site construction company SiHui networking, website construction and you talk about the use of color in web design. 1、科學的色彩搭配 1, scientific combination of colours 通常用戶對顏色的認知情況基本類似,那就希望看到干凈明潔的網頁,如果一個網頁上的顏色眾多,而且再加上各種閃爍的特效,一個小橫幅廣告搞得霓虹燈似的多種顏色的跳躍,這類網頁就會讓用戶的眼睛看起來極不舒服,進而導致極差的用戶體驗。通常而言,一個網頁的顏色種類不要超過三種,其中有一種要設定為主色調,通常選擇白底,如果一些特殊類型的網站,比如飲食類網站,則可以適當的使用一些暖色調,如黃色、紅色等為主色調,然后再配上和這些顏色進行搭配的相關顏色,之所以選擇白底,可以配色的種類則相對較多,如果選擇的是紅色底,那么就不能夠配藍色等冷色調,這樣會影響頁面的和諧。配色標準盡可能使用鄰近色、對比色等方式,通過互補來完成配色,從而提升網頁的美麗度。 Usually the user's perception of color is basic similar, then want to see clean and tidy web page, if many colors on a web page, and combined with all sorts of scintillation effects, a small banner ads make neon multiple color jumps, this kind of web pages will let users eyes look very uncomfortable, leading to poor user experience. A typically not more than three kinds of color on a web page, one to set the color, choose white, if some special types of sites, sites, such as diet, can use a few warm color is moved, the appropriate color such as yellow, red, and then to deserve to go up and the color is tie-in color, chose white, can the kinds of color is more, if the choice is red bottom, then it will not be able to match the blue cool color to move, such as this will affect the harmony of the page. The color standard as far as possible use adjacent color color, contrast, done through complementary color, so as to enhance the beauty of the web page. 2、科學的運用色調變換技術 2, the use of scientific tonal transformation technology 我們在設計網頁時,選擇的顏色通常不會是簡單的單色調,這樣看起來一方面不利于網頁的配色,另一方面美麗度也不高,所以通常需要將這些顏色的色調進行少許的變換,比如引入一些透明度、增加柔光,在某些區域再將顏色的深度進行上調,這樣就能夠讓網頁的色彩變得更加靈動,而不顯得呆滯。比如按鈕的顏色,菜單欄上的顏色,廣告中的主色調等都可以通過這樣的色調轉換來加以調整,讓整個頁面看起來更加舒服。 When designing web pages, we choose the color of the usually will not be a simple single color, it looks for web page color on one hand, on the other hand, beautiful degree is not high also, so usually need to these color tone is a little change, introduce some transparency, increasing the soft light, for example, in some areas will be increase the depth of the color again, so you can make the colour in the web page become more clever, and not look dull. Such as the color of the button, the colours on the menu bar, the mass-tone attune in the advertising can be adjust by such tonal conversion, make the whole page looks more comfortable.
