
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-25] [瀏覽次數:]
一、站內優化 A, on-site optimization 1.做好HTML頭標簽 標題(title): 1. Do a good job in the HTML head tag title (the title) : 標題是網頁優化中相當有分量,一般網頁title主要包含一些關鍵詞、網站名稱等。 關鍵詞(keyword):重要性大家都知道!關鍵詞設定要參考熱度、百度指數等一些手段,當然選擇這些的前提要與自己網站的主題相關。關鍵詞不宜多,一般就是1-3個。 描述(description):主要是對網站的一個介紹,雖然沒有前兩個標簽在搜索引擎蜘蛛眼中作用大,但是也是不可忽略的一個因素。用戶搜索時顯示在搜索引擎網頁中的只有它跟title,站在用戶角度上,了解網站首先必看的就是這兩個,做好描述就能夠吸引客戶的眼球、增加點擊率,從而帶來可能的客戶,增加網站權重。 The title is quite serious in the web page optimization, general web page title mainly contains some keywords, domain name, etc. Keywords: (keyword) importance is known to all! Key words set to refer to some means such as heat, baidu index, of course the precondition of choosing these to be associated with the theme of your website. Keywords should not be more than, the general is 1 to 3. Description (description) : mainly an introduction to web sites, although not the first two tags in the eyes of the search engine spiders effect, but also is a factor that cannot be ignored. When users search for shows in the search engine page only it with the title, standing on the user's perspective, understand the web site is a must for the first two, completes the description will be able to attract the attention of the customer, increase click-through rates, resulting in potential customers, increase weight. 2.URL優化 長度: 2. The URL optimization length: 相對來說URL長度短點的,更容易被大家記住,更便于進行粘貼復制。 分隔符:一般來講的話,蜘蛛讀取網址的時候認為一些符號為空符,比較好的分隔符可以使用“_”,這樣能夠讓客戶明白你網址想表達的意思,理解后肯定加深記憶,不至于要費功夫去猜測。 命名:要根據頁面進行命名,盡可能的和頁面主題相關,讓用戶一看到URL就能明白頁面是介紹什么的。 Relative URL length is shorter, more easy to remember, easier to paste. Delimiter: generally speaking, the spider read site think some symbols is empty, better separator can use "_", this can let the customer understand the url you want to express meaning, must deepen the memory after understanding, not to work later to guess. Name: according to the page name, and page as possible topics, lets the user see URL can understand what pages are introduced. 3.網頁內容優化 關鍵詞選定: 3. The web page content optimization keywords selected: 不要選擇那種競爭力特高的詞,不要選擇太多關鍵詞選擇相關關鍵詞1-3個較好。 關鍵詞密度:關鍵詞是蜘蛛比較喜歡吃的一種蟲子,搜索引擎比較看重,但是也要有個度,應當適可而止,不然就是過度優化后果很嚴重!關鍵詞密度要在2%-8%之間比較好。 關鍵詞布局:根據人的視覺感受和蜘蛛抓取,一般就是由左至右、由上而下,所以左上角應該首要突出關鍵詞,然后是導航和頁腳。 H1的標題: h1標簽一直被認為對我們有關頁面的優化具有重要意義。H1標題確實有比較大的權重,但是不可亂用,建議用在那些長期保持的關鍵詞/詞組。 H2H3H4:這些標題已經對搜索引擎沒有任何價值了,可以在文章內加上這些標題可以突出重點,增加客戶體驗。 alt屬性:增加alt屬性對搜索引擎排名有相當大的影響,在使用一個圖形圖像/照片/上加一些有針對性的、重要的關鍵字。 圖像文件名:可以告訴客戶圖像的來源地址之類的信息,可以讓蜘蛛能夠提取圖像的文字信息;由于是吸引客戶的很好的手段,在網站上的圖像文件命可以使用關鍵詞命名。 粗/強體:這些標簽有著區別于其他的權重優勢,文章中的關鍵詞可以使用。 錨鏈接:可以加title。 Don't choose that kind of competitiveness, the high word, and don't choose too many keywords to choose relevant keywords 1-3 is better. Keyword density: the key word is one of the types of spiders prefer to eat worms, search engine is value, but also want to have a degree, should be enough is enough, or excessive optimization consequences will be severe! Keyword density to between 2% and 8%. Keywords: layout according to human visual perception and crawling, generally is left to right, top-down, so the top left corner should be the primary highlight keywords, and then the navigation, and footer. H1 title: H1 tags has always been considered on page optimization is of great significance to us. H1 title does have a larger weight, but not disorderly use, suggest using key words/phrases in the long-term. H2H3H4: these titles already on search engines do not have any value, may add these headings in the article can highlight key, increase customer experience. Increases the Alt attribute Alt attribute has a considerable effect on search engine rankings, in the use of a graphical images/pictures/add some targeted, important keywords. Image file name: can you tell the customer image, such as the source address of the information, can let the spider can extract the image text information; Because is a good means to attract customers, life image files can use the key words on the website. Thick/strong body: the weight of these labels are different from other advantages, the key words in the article can be used. Anchor link: you can add the title.
