
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-03-05] [瀏覽次數:]
如何增加網站訪問量?以下是你可以考慮采用 29 個方法。其中,你或許已經采用了一些,有的方法你可能忘了采用,還有一些是你從來沒有聽說過的??傊谶@里你可以了結到當前各種有效的網站推廣方法。首先你要了解,網站推廣是一個長期而且系統的過程,需要制定明確的目標和計劃,并做好相應的準備。 How to increase website traffic? Here is you can consider the 29 method. Among them, some of you may have been adopted by some methods you may forget, and some is you have never heard of. All in all, here you can settle to the current effective website promotion methods. First of all you have to know, the website promotion is a long-term and systematic process, need to set clear goals and plans, and try to prepare accordingly. 一、添加網頁標題 First, add the page title 為每頁內容寫 5 到 8 個字的描述性標題。標題要簡練“的”“和”這些不重要的詞匯。要說明該頁面,該網站最重要的內容是什么。網頁標題將出現在搜索結果頁面的鏈接上,因此可以寫得稍帶煽動性,以吸引搜索者點擊該鏈接。同時在首頁內容中寫上你的公司名和你最重要的關鍵詞,而不能只是寫公司名。網站的每一個頁面都應該有針對該頁面的標題。 Content for each page write five to eight words descriptive title. Is a concise "in the" title "and" the vocabulary is not important. To illustrate the page, what is the site of the most important content. The page title will appear on the search results page links, so you can write a little inflammatory, to attract searchers click on the link. At the same time in the homepage content to write your company name and your most important keywords, rather than just write company name. Site each page should have on the page title. 二、添加描述性 META 標簽 Second, add a description META tags 除了網頁標題,不少搜索引擎會搜索到 META 標簽。這是一句說明性文字。描述網頁正文的內容,句中也要包含本頁使用到的關鍵詞,詞組等。目前,含關鍵詞的 META 標簽已經對排名幫助不大,但有時 META 標簽會用于付費登陸技術中。而且誰又知道什么時候搜索引擎又會再次重視它呢? In addition to the page title, many search engine can search to the META tags. This is a descriptive text. Describe the content of the web page of text, sentence should also be included in this page to use keywords, phrases, etc. At present, including keywords META tags have not help to the rankings, but sometimes META tags used in pay landing techniques. And who knows when the search engine will attach importance to it again again? 三、在網頁粗體文字,一般為文章標題中也填上你的關鍵詞 Three, in the web page in bold text, generally for the article and fill in your keywords in the title 搜索引擎很重視粗體文字,以為這是本頁很重要的內容。因此,確保在一二個粗體文字標簽中寫上你的關鍵詞。要盡量避免將重要的標題都制作成圖片的形式,更不要將整個首頁都做成一個圖片。 Search engine attaches great importance to the bold words, thought it was a very important content on this page. Therefore, make sure that write your keywords in one bold text labels. Avoid important headlines are made in the form of images, not the entire front page to make a picture. 四、確保在你的正文第一段就出現關鍵詞 Four, to ensure that appears keywords in your first paragraph text 搜索引擎希望在第一段文字中就找到你的關鍵詞,但不要充斥過多關鍵詞。google 大概將全文每 100 個字出現 1.5 到 2 個關鍵詞視為最佳的關鍵詞密度,可獲得好排名。其他可考慮放置關鍵詞的地方可以在代碼的 ALT 或者 COMMEET 標簽里面。如果無法保證正文第一段出現關鍵詞,可以考慮一些不救措施,比如給網頁加一個批注等等。 Search engine, hope to find you in the first paragraph of the keywords, but don't be overwhelmed with keywords. Google will probably 1.5 per 100 words appear in full to the two key words as the best keyword density, can get good rankings. Other places may consider using keywords can be inside the code or ALT COMMEET tags. If there is no guarantee that the body of the first paragraph of keywords, can consider a few not rescue measures, such as add a notation to web pages, etc.
