
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-03-09] [瀏覽次數:]
網站推廣計劃是網絡營銷計劃的組成部分。制定網站推廣計劃本身也是一種網站推廣策略,推廣計劃不僅是推廣的行動指南,同時也是檢驗推廣效果是否達到預期目標的衡量標準,所以,合理的網站推廣計劃也就成為網站推廣策劃中比不可少的。 Website promotion plan is part of the network marketing plan. Website promotion plan itself is a kind of website promotion strategy, not only is the guide of marketing promotion plan, is also a test promotion effect whether the desired target measure, so the reasonable website promotion plan is in the website promotion planning of less than not. 一個網站如果想要保證比較好的推廣效果以及效益,推廣前的一些準備是必不可少的,制定推廣計劃之前,以下準備是不可或缺的: A web site if you want to ensure a good promotion effect and the benefit, some preparation is necessary before promotion, promotion plan, before the following preparation is an indispensable: 1、對企業產品深入了解 1, the understanding of enterprise products 對自己要推廣的產品,先要深入了解,只有深入了解才能設計出最合適的推廣方案,才能把推廣工作做的最好,效果發揮最大。 To promote products on their own, first to understand, only understanding can design the most suitable promotion plan, to do the promotion work best, maximum effect. 2、了解競爭對手 2, understand the competitors 知己知彼,百戰不殆。重點去了解競爭對手的推廣方式,好的經驗,拿來學習借鑒,失敗的地方要吸取教訓。最主要的是要避免在推廣的過程中互相沖突。 The enemy and know yourself, fight. The key to understand the competition promotion way, good experience, learn from, failed to learn lessons. The most important is to avoid in the process of promoting conflict with each other. 3、善于分析定時評估 3, analytical time evaluation 每做完一個項目都要及時總結分析。否則就像一只無頭的蒼蠅,推廣起來變得很盲目。如果是讓網絡公司做推廣,一般每個月他們都會出具分析報表的,就像某個公司的效益型網絡服務,會出具體報告。 Every to finish a project should be timely summary analysis. Or like a headless fly, it became blind. If is to make the network company do the promotion, generally every month they will issue the analysis report, as a company the efficiency of network service, will be in the detailed report. 與完整的網絡營銷計劃相比,網站推廣計劃比較簡單,然而更為具體。一般來說,網站推廣計劃至少應包含下列主要內容: Compared with the complete network marketing plan, website promotion plan is simpler, but more specific. In general, the website promotion plan should include at least the following main contents: 1、確定網站推廣方案的階段目標。 1, determine the stage of website promotion goal. 2、在網站發布運營的不同階段所采取的網站推廣方法。 2, in the different stages of post operation adopted methods of website promotion. 3、網站推廣策略的控制和效果評價。 3, the control of website promotion strategy and effect assessment. 網站推廣計劃中,可以得出幾個基本結論: Website promotion plan, can a few basic conclusion: 第一、制定網站推廣計劃有助于在網站推廣工作中有的放矢,并且有步驟有目的地開展工作,避免重要的遺漏。 First, the website promotion planning helps to target in the website promotion, and step by step work purposefully, avoid important omission. 第二、網站推廣是在網站正式發布之前就已經開始進行的,尤其是針對搜索引擎的優化工作,在網站設計階段就應考慮到推廣的需要,并做必要的優化設計。 Second, web site promotion is on it had begun before the official launch site, especially for search engine optimization work, in the web design stage of the need to promote, should be considered and make the necessary optimization design. 第三、網站推廣的基本方法對于大部分網站都是適用的,也就是所謂的通用網站推廣方法,一個網站在建設階段和發布初期通常都需要進行這些常規的推廣。 Third, the basic method of website promotion for most sites are applicable, the so-called general website promotion methods, a web site at the beginning of the construction phase and release usually require these regular promotion. 第四,在網站推廣的不同階段需要采用不同的方法,也就是說網站推廣方法具有階段性的特征。有些網站推廣方法可能長期有效,有些則僅適用于某個階段,或者臨時性采用,各種網站推廣方法往往是相結合使用的。 Fourth, in the different stages of website promotion requires a different approach, that is to say, website promotion method has the characteristics of periodic. Some website promotion method may be effective for a long time, some applies only to a certain stage, or temporary use, website promotion methods are often combined use. 第五、網站推廣是網絡營銷的內容之一,但不是網絡營銷的全部,同時網站推廣也不是孤立的,需要與其他網絡營銷活動相結合來進行。 Fifth, website promotion is one of the content of network marketing, but not all of the network marketing, website promotion is not isolated at the same time, the need to combined with other online marketing activities. 第六、網站進入穩定期之后,推廣工作不應停止,但由于進一步提高訪問量有較大難度,需要采用一些超越常規的推廣策略,如上述案例中建設一個行業信息類網站的計劃等。 Sixth, after entering plateau, site promotion work should not be stopped, but due to further improve the traffic has great difficulty, need to adopt some beyond conventional promotion strategy, such as in the example above planned construction of a business information websites, etc. 第七、網站推廣不能盲目進行,需要進行效果跟蹤和控制。在網站推廣評價方法中,最為重要的一項指標是網站的訪問量,訪問量的變化情況基本上反映了網站推廣的成效,因此網站訪問統計分析報告對網站推廣的成功具有至關重要的作用。 Seventh, website promotion, can't blind to, need to track and control effect. In website promotion evaluation method, an indicator of the most important is the site visits, the change of traffic situation largely reflects the effect of website promotion, statistical analysis and the site visit report has a vital role to the success of website promotion.
