
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-03-14] [瀏覽次數:]
第一大類:網站內容是推廣的根本,一定要把網站內容優化好。 First categories: content is the basis for promotion, be sure to the web site optimization.   網站內容的優化,在這里不單單是指網站內容的原創性,原創的內容固然重要,是一個網站安身立命之根本,是區別于其他網站的標志。但是有了好的內容,也有有好的針對內容的優化手段,這樣才能讓網站優秀獨特的原創內容為大家所熟知。 Optimization of the site's content, here not only refers to the original content, original content is important, is the foundation of a website living, is a sign of different from other sites. But with good content, but also good for content optimization method, so as to let the website good unique original content as it is known.   第二大類:登陸各類搜索引擎與站點目錄,不能放過免費的展示自己的機會。 Landing the second categories: all kinds of search engines and site directory, can't let go free chance to show them.   首先第一步肯定是登陸搜索引擎了,目前在國內運營的各大搜索引擎,包括Google、百度、搜狗等等,最好是每個搜索引擎都提交上去,這樣你被網民看到的機會就會大增。并且由于搜索引擎收錄新網站有一定的工作周期,故而此項工作要早動手越好。 The first step must be logged in the search engine, at present in the operation of the domestic each big search engine, including Google and baidu, sogou, etc., it is best to each search engine submission, so you are Internet users see opportunities will be increased. And because the search engine included the new site has certain work cycle, so the job to start work early, the better.   然后是登陸各類站點目錄包括網址類網站和各大門戶網站搜索頻道下面的網站名錄欄目。 And then the landing of the site directory including site sites and major portal search channel list section below.   還有重要的,如果有實力的話,可以建立網站所在行業的專業網站目錄系統,這樣既可以提升自己網站在行業網站的地位,給人以專業的印象,同時也能夠增加同業合作的機會。 Also important, if have the strength, can create web industry professional web directory system, both to improve their site in the status of the industry web site, give a person with professional impression, but also increases the chance of trade cooperation.   第三大類:增加網站黏度,讓用戶有效地沉淀下來。 The third categories: increase viscosity, let users effectively settle.   開設行業新聞頻道不僅有助于改善、提高網站的搜索引擎結果體現,且對吸引行業用戶、增強網站的粘性有很大的幫助。 For industry news channel will not only help to improve and improve your search engine results, and to attract industry users, enhance viscosity has a lot of help.   第四大類:立足根本,異業合作。 The fourth categories: based on the fundamental, different industry cooperation.   友情鏈是網站推廣的一個重要工作,有利于提高網站的權重,也有利于網站流量的增加。不過友情鏈接最好是尋找異業的,與自身網站內容沒有直接關系的網站,這樣的鏈接互換可以互相過濾用戶。 Friendship chain is an important job of website promotion, to improve the website weight, but also to increase website traffic. But link it is best to look for different industry, and has no direct relationship between the website content itself, such a link exchange can filter the user.   第五大類:把好東西分享給互聯網的其他用戶:網摘與書簽。 The fifth class: to share good things with the other users of the Internet: key and bookmarks.   網摘系統實際上是一個開放的動態網頁收藏夾,目前比較受歡迎的有新浪VIVI、天天網摘等,我們可以把自己的內容頁盡可能多的提交到開放的網摘系統中,必要時要利用網摘系統的自動提交軟件。 Key system in fact is an open dynamic web favorites, every day there is popular sina VIVI, key, etc., can we put our own content pages as much as possible to submit to the open key system, when it is necessary to use key automatically submit software of the system.   第六大類:互聯網中可借用的渠道大把,可利用外部條件推廣。 Of the six major categories: can use channels to the Internet, can use external conditions.   利用軟件推廣的方法,可以選取自己網站上的部分內容,做成電子書,投放在軟件下載網站上,短時間內可收到很好的效果,而且這些電子書是可以張貼到其他網站上的。 The method of using software to promote, you can pick and choose the part of the website content, e-books, on the software download site, in a short period of time can get a good result, and these books can be posted to other website.   把這個軟件推廣的方法展開的話,就可以做些電影bt種子,附上網址,上傳到各大電影站點,讓網友自動去下載傳播,也是一個可行的辦法。 To promotion method of the software, you can do a movie torrent, and attached to each big movie site, let netizens downloaded automatically to spread, is a feasible method.   第七大類:各類群發工具的應用。 7 categories: the application of all kinds of mass.   1、即時通訊的群發工具:搜集到QQ、旺旺、MSN等的群發工具,狂發信息,做這樣的事,就要臉皮厚,不要怕被人罵, 1, im a mass: collect mass tools such as QQ, want want, MSN, send messages, do such a thing, will be thick-skinned, don't be afraid of being scolded,   2、論壇灌水機:最好是在非本行業中,利用各種免費或收費的灌水機軟件,大肆發帖,多多益善,現在的群發機器已經非常智能。 2, BBS irrigation machine: it is best in the industry, the use of a variety of free or charge irrigation machine software, by post, the more the better, now the mass of the machine is very intelligent.   3、郵件群發、博客群發等工具,搜集到足夠多的有用郵件,然后用一些吸引人的標題發給對方,注意:不要讓人一看就像是垃圾郵件。 3, mass, blogs, emails and other tools, collected enough useful email, then use some attractive title to each other, note: don't let a person look like spam.   第八大類:利用圖片素材進行推廣。 The eighth class: using the picture material for promotion.   收集一些大家喜歡的熱門體彩圖片,比如寵物、搞笑、QQ表情等,把網站網址做成圖片的水印,收集幾千張,分成幾十個專題,到各個地方去貼圖或上傳,越多越好。 Collect some pictures of you like hot body colour, such as pet, funny, QQ expression, such as the web site to make image watermark, collect thousands of pieces, divided into dozens of projects, to various places map or upload, the more the better.   第九大類:廣告鏈的宣傳。 Chain of 9 categories: advertising propaganda.   這個辦法在網站創辦初期,對于拉動網站的基礎流量很有幫助,但要根據網站的內容特點精心選擇,防止出現因鏈中其他網站有違規內容,而傷及自身品牌的現象。 This way at the beginning of the web site launched, for stimulating the basis of site traffic is helpful, but carefully chosen based on the characteristics of the content of the site, preventing illegal content from other sites in the chain, and hurt its own brand.   第十大類:同業共存,選擇沒有沖突的同業網站合作。 10 categories: trade coexist, choose a site work without conflicts.   這一招需要做長期準備:發起、組織同行業網站的網友評選活動,所處行業競爭不是很激烈的時候,或者架構已經比較明朗時,可運用這一手段,組織網絡同盟,但此事往往會引起競爭對手的關注,故應慎重。應當著重選擇那些雖然和我們同處一個行業,但沒有主營業務沖突的網站。 It needs to do a long-term preparation: initiate and organize activities of industry website online selection, industry is not very competitive, or architecture is more clear, can use the means of network alliance, but it tends to cause the attention of competitors, so be cautious. Should choose those emphatically though and we are together in an industry, but there is no conflict of main business website.
