
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-05-20] [瀏覽次數:]

要設定合理的網站欄目,一般情況而言,企業網站欄目包括:首頁、公司簡介、新聞動態、產品展示、成功案例、在線留言、聯系我們等等,各行業因行業特色細節上會有些許的不同,對企業而言,欄目需求出發點是要能充分把企業信息展示出來,很多企業不理解這個道理,設置過多不實用的欄目頻道,冤枉花費了不少網站建設費用,而效果卻不盡如人意。 To set a reasonable site columns, generally speaking, corporate websites column includes: home page, company profile, news, product exhibition, success stories, online messages, contact us, and so on, all details will be slightly different due to the industry characteristics, for enterprises, columns can demand starting point is to fully present the enterprise information, many enterprises do not understand this truth, set too much is not practical columns channels, wronged spent a lot of website construction cost, and the effect is not satisfactory. 5、網站類型選擇問題 Website type selection problem 根據自己設想的網站類型及目的,尋找網站設計公司,如果企業網站在設計、功能和美工上沒有特殊要求,建議選用肥貓標準型建站套餐,以節約成本提高效率。企業網站如果只是做展示,那么選擇標準型網站建設比較好,這樣容易控制成本,而其他對網站功能等方面有特殊要求的,就要選擇肥貓科技定制型網站,這樣更能突顯官方品牌,打造企業口碑。 According to their own site type and purpose of the vision, looking for website design company, if the enterprise web site there is no special requirements on design, function and art, a fat cat is a suggested alternative standard build the package, the cost to improve the efficiency. Website if we can only do the show, so choose standard website construction is better, so easy to control the cost, and other features to your website, etc have special requirements, will choose fat cat type custom website of science and technology, more can highlight the official brand, build corporate reputation. 6、網站建設公司的選擇 The choice of website construction company 結合以上兩個方面來選擇合適的網站建設公司,這個方面不能一味的追求低成本而影響效果。在選擇網站建設公司的時候,最好的辦法就是看他們的案例。真實有效的案例是證明一個網站建設公司實力的最好驗證方法。 Combine these two aspects to choose the proper website construction company, this aspect cannot blindly pursue low cost and affect the effect. The best way to build a website is to look at their case. The real and effective case is the best way to prove a site's strength. 以上所說,選擇合適的網站建設公司,才能做出滿意的網站。建站成本主要由美工、功能、特效、欄目等因素決定。企業要想合理有效的控制成本,同時滿足企業網站需求,一定要根據自身情況規劃網站。武漢肥貓科技,立足武漢,服務湖北,是武漢本地專業的網站建設公司,專注于為武漢地區中小企業提供網站建設、網站制作、網站設計、網站開發等建站服務,是您拓展互聯網業務的好幫手。武漢肥貓科技還提供網站優化、軟文營銷、競價托管等業務。 The above mentioned, choose proper website construction company, can make satisfactory website. The cost of construction site is determined by the work, function, special effects and columns. To be reasonably effective in controlling costs and meeting the needs of the enterprise website, the enterprise must plan the website according to its own situation. Fat cat in wuhan science and technology, based on wuhan, service in hubei province, wuhan is a local professional website construction company, focused on small and medium-sized enterprises in wuhan provide website building, website production, web design, web development, such as web services, expanding your Internet business is a good helper. Wuhan fat cat technology also offers website optimization, soft-language marketing, bidding and hosting.
