
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設(shè)] [日期:18-02-01] [瀏覽次數(shù):]

Traditional layout, relying on layout visual cues, "control" the user's visual path, by contrast, the f-style layout is more natural and friendlier. This article will describe some of the rules, principles and design methods of the f-type layout. The f-type layout in the design of shao web pages.

Source: web site teaching network

An introduction to the f-type layout


The f-type layout is a very scientific method of layout, based on a large number of eye movement studies. In general, the visual trajectory of a user's web page looks like this -- look at the top, then look at the top left corner, and then down the left edge... . And users tend not to pay much attention to the information on the right. Is it a bit like the letter F? On this basis, we tend to place important elements (such as brand logos, navigation, and behavioral call controls) on the left, while the right side of the box is typically placed on ads that don't matter to the user.


Let's take a look at Webdesigntuts + eye heat map:


This eye-tracking hotspot shows the user's visual trajectory of the site, showing an f-type. The hot zone (red, yellow, orange) represents the focus of the user's attention.
Summarize the general patterns of user browsing:


Take a look at the top left corner of the page to see what the site is (hence the Logo) - "know what it is".


Then scan the top of the page (navigation bar, search bar) -- "understand usage"
Next, the user's eyes move down and begin to read the next line.
The user enters the "scanning mode", and once the content of interest is found, it opens.

This view is presented as a wireframe, as shown in the figure below.

There is a rule that cannot be ignored: reading is generally from top to bottom, from left to right. Users tend to ignore the right side of the content and scan it roughly, so don't try too hard on the right side. You should place the inside column on the left side of the user's attention height.


To sum up, according to the logic, we draw the following conclusions:


Brand logos and navigation should be placed at the top of the page, which is the user's first impression of the site.
In content structures, images are more likely to gain attention
After the user has viewed the image, the next focus is the title.
Users browse the text roughly, but they don't usually read it.


Apply the F layout to the design


I've done a little exercise here, using wireframes, and layout the main elements.

下圖中可以看到,我把網(wǎng)站的主題/宗旨(Mission Statement)放在了導(dǎo)航欄的下面,這樣用戶瀏覽完Logo和導(dǎo)航,就能迅速的了解網(wǎng)站的宗旨.兩欄布局的好處是信息層級清晰,可方便用戶快速掃描內(nèi)容…主要內(nèi)容欄+輔助側(cè)邊欄
In the image below you can see, I put the website topic/purpose (Mission Statement) on the bottom of the navigation bar, so that users browse the Logo and navigation, can quickly understand the purpose of the site. Two-column layout is the benefits of the information level is clear, easy to user a quick scan content... Main internal container and auxiliary sidebar

It's pretty rough, but the key point is that it takes just a few seconds to get to the website and get the purpose/theme of the site...


The role of navigation is to guide users and let users know how to switch to different pages.


In the inner space below the top, the title is set up very clearly, and the user can quickly detect the presence of the title after browsing the image... As for the text, don't do it.


So you're looking at the visual path of this page, right?

Can it be the same effect? After the F layout is completed, we can build on this and add some details.


Another thing to note is the control of the distance between rows and rows in the F layout. (red line)

According to different design requirements, designers can adjust appropriately. If you want to create a relaxed reading atmosphere, you can have a larger space. If the information is large, you can narrow it down and create a compact reading. As for the sense of rhythm and consistency of reading, please review the articles before the web site.


If the page is infinite and long, the user will be annoyed and bored, right? Here you can tweak it a little bit, adding a bit of "incongruent" elements to the f-style layout rules, which can bring some variables to the reading rhythm.

You see above the pictures in the column is "not harmonious" element, it came as a surprise, to break the user's expectations, this design is suitable for the long vertical scrolling web pages, so users won't feel boring.


Principle of f-type layout


The reason that the f-type layout works is that the f-type layout conforms to the user's browsing habits and is more natural. Follow the "from top to bottom, from left to right" reading mode.


But there are pros and cons to this reading model:

In this way, the most valuable content can only be placed at the top of the page. Some of the mould
Text content can't effectively attract users, and users can't even bother to read a summary, and read the title


The web page focuses too much on the "title" and "image" packaging, which undoubtedly does not conform to the principle of content supremacy

In the use of the f-style layout, many designers feel that they are not designers, but are "advertisers" who create gimmicks. Web design is too utilitarian, only the pursuit of a temporary views, not following the principle "content is king", and many users may feel good for the first time, but the content after the fall, probably they will not have access to the web page again next time.


Therefore, designers should coordinate the relationship between content and layout. It's kind of like a martial arts novel. It's like internal force. Beautiful and beautiful, the people who have deep inner strength can "make the best of it".


So how do you design the sidebar on the right? Here are two Suggestions:


1. Submit relevant content. For example, links, ads, related reading recommendations, social media widgets, etc. Don't place vulgar, irrelevant ads for profit.


2. You can prevent some content retrieval tools, such as labels, articles retrieval, hot articles, etc.
