
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設(shè)] [日期:17-02-12] [瀏覽次數(shù):]
細節(jié)的把控:不要把設(shè)計元素推雜在一起,要留空白。讓它們之間有呼吸的空間。特別是適用于文本。如果使用正確的文本格式,那么文本將有更多的機會被讀取。不要害怕使用段落,粗體,斜體,引用文字,下劃線或者大字字母。..。..任何可以讓你的文本更加受吸引的方式。當(dāng)然有時你需要使用引導(dǎo)語句,來引導(dǎo)讀者的目光。文本和圖片在表達和傳遞信息時各有千秋,你應(yīng)該合理的選擇文本或圖片。如果你想給瀏覽者傳遞一個信息,那么我建議你使用文字來代替靜態(tài)的圖形。 Details the control: don't push the design elements of mixed together, to be kept blank. Let have a breathing space between them. Especially suitable for the text. If use the right format text, the text will have more opportunity to be read. Don't be afraid to use paragraphs, bold, italic, citing text, underlined or big letters. .. . .. Any text can make you more attractive way. Of course sometimes you need to use the guide statements, to guide the reader's attention. Text and images in expression and information each has his strong point, you should choose a reasonable text or pictures. If you want to give your visitors a message, then I suggest you use text instead of a static graphics. 操作習(xí)慣的把控:瀏覽者會忽視廣告。他們會忽視橫幅廣告或文字廣告。因此要避免網(wǎng)頁的設(shè)計看起來像廣告似的。還有瀏覽者也會忽視大塊的文本。沒有人會有很多的時間去看那一大部分的文本只為獲得一個網(wǎng)站的主要內(nèi)容。所以我們要盡量的簡化文本,或者是增加一些圖像裝飾來吸引眼球。當(dāng)你走進一個房間的時候,你不可能看到房間里所有的東西。你第一眼注意的是房間里有沒有人,然后再去注意能吸引你眼球的東西。當(dāng)瀏覽者第一次訪問網(wǎng)站也是這樣子的。當(dāng)瀏覽者第一次訪問你的網(wǎng)站時,需要你來引導(dǎo)他們來訪問網(wǎng)站。 Operating habits of the control that visitors will ignore ads. They will ignore banner or text ads. So to avoid web design look like ads. And your visitors will ignore blocks of text. No one will have a lot of time to see that most of the text for the main content of a web site. So we should try to simplify the text, or to add some image decoration to attract eyeballs. When you walk into a room, you can't see everything in the room. The first thing you notice is anyone in the room, and then to pay attention to what can attract your eyeball. When they visit the web site is also like this for the first time. When visitors to your site for the first time, need you to guide them to visit the web site.
