
[來源:www.aiyanm.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-01-19] [瀏覽次數:]
內容營銷主要是指通過撰寫有價值的文章,滿足客戶的特定需求。比如企業可以提供多種類型的文章內容:博客貼文、信息圖標、電子書或者新聞刊物等。與用戶建立信譽和信任,同時維護潛在客戶。 Content marketing is mainly refers to, by writing articles to meet the specific needs of customers. Such as enterprise can offer multiple types of content: blog posts, the information icon, ebook or news publication, etc. Establish credibility and trust, with users and potential customers. 1.如何開始內容營銷 1. How to start the content marketing 主要是通過了解您的目標用戶有哪些?他們有什么需求,怎樣的內容對他們有用?您的內容能否給他們帶去幫助。同時也可聯系現有的用戶,進一步溝通、了解他們的需求,然后制定相應計劃。 Is mainly by understanding what are your target audience? What are their needs, what kind of content is useful to them? You can bring them the content of the help. To existing users, at the same time, it can be further communication, understand their needs, and then make corresponding plan. 2.視頻帶來的功效 2. Video effect 雖然生成視頻花費的成本會比較高,但是它比純文字內容更具有吸引力。當然,視頻的內容也很重要,需要保持內容的新穎和時效性。 Although generated video cost will be high, but it is more attractive than pure text content. The content of the video is also very important, of course, need to keep the content of the novel and timeliness. 二、搜索引擎優化 Second, search engine optimization (seo) SEO是搜索引擎優化的一個縮寫,可以通過它提高您的網頁在搜索結果列表中的排名。 SEO is a abbreviation, search engine optimization can improve your web ranking in the search results list. 1.如何開始優化網站 1. How to optimize website 優化網站不能僅通過唯美的圖片和好的內容吸引在線消費者,還必須滿足搜索引擎的要求,比如從:網站的相關性、用戶體驗、站內鏈接、關鍵詞和標簽等考慮。 Optimize the site not only through the beautiful pictures and good content to attract consumers online, also must meet the requirements of search engines, such as: from the relevance, the user experience of site, inbound links, keywords and tags, etc.
